Celebrating 95 Years
Celebrating 95 Years Lyric Optical, dba Super Optical and creator of FastGrind, will be celebrating it’s 95th anniversary this year. Lyric Optical was founded in Cincinnati, OH in 1923. Beginning as a wholesale manufacturer
Celebrating 95 Years Lyric Optical, dba Super Optical and creator of FastGrind, will be celebrating it’s 95th anniversary this year. Lyric Optical was founded in Cincinnati, OH in 1923. Beginning as a wholesale manufacturer
MYTH: In-Office Lens Surfacing doesn’t save that much money. FALSE! With FastGrind, customers often see over a 50% reduction in their lens costs compared to
MYTH: In-Office Lens Surfacing doesn’t save that much time. FALSE! With FastGrind, optical shops are able to dispense multifocal lenses next day or even same
MYTH: In-Office Lens Surfacing is difficult to learn and/or use. FALSE! FastGrind is so simple to learn and use, we have done remote installations worldwide.
MYTH: The space required to do in-office lens surfacing needs to be large. FALSE! FastGrind is so compact, it actually requires less than 2 square